Saturday 5th of March
London hash number 2283
Saturday 5th of March at 12 noon for 12:30 (3183 days ago)
How Far
The Green Man is 642 meters from Denham station as the Skylark flies.
A hareing opportunity is still available here - it could be you!
What Else
Direct trains are from Marylebone: dep 11:13 arr 11:32 dep 11:46 arr 12:11 dep 12:13 arr 12:32 Denham is not in a London zone but is one stop from West Ruislip which is zone 6. A return from West Ruislip to Denham is £4.90 (a return may be cheaper than the add on fare). If people want to do it all on an Oyster card, the 331 bus goes from Uxbridge (zone 6) to Denham station and takes 15 mins. There are timetabled buses at 11:47 and 12:07. The trail is all off road, and will be wet and muddy, so a change of shoes is highly recommended. The pub’s website is It would be helpful if people who want to eat order before we set off – that way the kitchen isn’t inundated with orders when we get back.