Saturday 20th of May
London hash number 2353
Saturday 20th of May at 12 noon for 12:30 (2742 days ago)
How Far
The Black Horse is 920 meters from Chorleywood station as the Skylark flies.
Hared by Mouthwash
What Else
The Black Horse pub is about 10 minutes walk from Chorleywood tube and rail station. There will be a P trail through the car park to the pub. Trains from Marylebone are a lot more comfortable and run at 10.57 and 11.27 arriving at 11.24 and 11.54 (the 11.57 will not arrive till 12.24 !) The Metropolitan line from Baker St. runs at 11.05, 11.20, 11.35 arriving 11.46, 12.01, 12.16. You will probably need a change of shoes after the rain due this week. The pub’s kitchen closes at 14.15 – but your hare will try to get you back in time or cold food can be pre-ordered.