Saturday 5th of August
London hash number 2369
Saturday 5th of August at 12 noon for 12:30 (2665 days ago)
How Far
The Hoop and Grapes is 457 meters from Blackfriars station as the Skylark flies.
Hared by Rambo
What Else
Meet at the Hoop & Grapes (a fine Shepherd Neame pub) on Farringdon Street at 12, P trail from Blackfriars tube. Bring a pen! Make a team of three or four-ish. You'll be finding objectives marked on an orienteering style map and answering questions about them. Last year's objectives were Wren Churches, this year's theme will be announced on the day to avoid the possibility of pre hunt Googling etc. & give Fat Bastard a challenge. Bonus points for photos of a few random things as well.