Saturday 29th of October
London hash number 2636
Saturday 29th of October at 12:15 for 12:45 (834 days ago)
How Far
The Roebuck is 601 meters from Fulwell station as the Skylark flies.
Hared by Butt Plug
What Else
Trains from Waterloo to Fulwell, hourly at 46 min past the hour, trail will start at 12.45, to allow people (arriving on the 11.46 train, which gets in at 12.27) to get to the pub. Alternative routes: From Waterloo to Teddington, at 03, 33 or 46 past the hour. Then catch either the 285 or R68 bus and alight at Oxford Road bus stop From Waterloo to Twickenham, at 03, 20, 28, 31, 50 or 46 past the hour. Then catch the R70 bus and alight at Parkside bus stop **Note: Pub does not take credit cards for less than £10, so it’s recommended to bring cash