Saturday 4th of February
London hash number 2650
Saturday 4th of February at 12 Noon for 12:30 (656 days ago)
How Far
The Green W7 is 517 meters from Hanwell station as the Skylark flies.
Hared by Kenny
What Else
***Travel Info - Elizabeth Line from Paddington to Hanwell at 32, 47, 02, 17 minutes past the hour (journey time 15 minutes) *Due to conflicting information from TFL there is a possibility that trains won't stop at Hanwell if this is the case get off at Ealing Broadway and catch the E8 bus to Rosebank bus stop (10 stops). The trail will also be marked from there. Alternatively Piccadilly Line to Boston Manor and catch either the E8 or 195 bus from (station side bus stop) to Lower Boston Road bus stop (5 stops) Alternatively walk from Boston Manor station to The Green W7 pub (20 minute walk) ***A Drink Stop is planned so please bring your hash cups. ***P Trail will be laid from Hanwell Station