Feltham **This is a change of location
Saturday 13th of April
London hash number 2715
Saturday 13th of April at 12 Noon for 12:30 (302 days ago)
How Far
Moon on the Square is 175 meters from Feltham station as the Skylark flies.
Hared by Minge & Tonic
What Else
**Note: This is an A-B run, bags will be transported for you to the DS. **B is a surprise but will be closer to London! Near a good transport hub. If you require details of B because you can't stay till the end, please message Minge directly **Travel Info Trains from Waterloo at 20, 22, 33 & 50 min past the hour (approximate journey time 30 min). **Please bring your hash cups for the drink stop
Trail Map
Contributed by K4 (8.5 KM)